The Holy Quran is a book of faith and literature. As a text, it is a unique textual medium; it exploits both words and structure to manifest its message. This project looks into the Quranic Narratology, that is to study its narrative, narrative structure and how these affect our perception.
The Quranic narrative has distinctive attributes, one of which is the narratee. The narratee is an active receiver of the Quranic text; given that he brings into its reading as much as the text offers, this makes his experience personalized and customized in all levels.

HyperLink v0.1 is a Web-based interactive narrative, it investigates this link through the lens of the Quranic devices, e.g Spatio-temporal circumstance, mode of action, and duration; by reintroducing them through different verbal, audible, and visual mediums.
Online, we expose ourselves, our hopes, wishes, and desires. We express that by what we search for, read about, follow, and watch. This information is all archived as keywords. HyperLink v0.1 uses these keywords to further define potential links and expands its narrative in a feedback loop.

HyperFlip a symbol of decision making

The name HyperLink is inspired by the multiple realms interacting with one another in one's lifetime in modern days, i.e., the link between virtual reality and real-life on various levels. As a whole, HyperLink is a project about the human experience and its influences, by translating the reading of the Quranic text into our stories, and how we tell them.